Consultancy: Customized Projects

Along with our training programs caters to the individual needs of our clients. Whenever customized projects are given to us we have performed our best and provided best possible solutions to our clients worldwide.


Project and KPO services on hourly plans-

For example, we might take projects of 100 man hours or 1000 man hours to be completed over span of 1-6 months.

We charge on percent of completion.

We train people at your end to do things and follow Agile software technology using extreme development.

(Extreme programming (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. As a type of agile software development, it advocates frequent “releases” in short development cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints at which new customer requirements can be adopted.)

Some of our projects (We have deleted some parts as well as client name to maintain the secrecy):

  • BASEL 3, Market Risk, Credit Risk Automation using SQL – VBA- Excel for easier and enhanced structure
  • Individual query in Excel – “I just have a question for excel and thought to ask you because you might know the answer. I have an excel with some data (text, numbers, links to another sheet in the workbook) which I update every week. The excel has a VBA code and data validation rules to enable my code to run correctly. I am sharing this excel file with my colleagues to enter their inputs every week. It has happened a couple of times that the file is being corrupted. (I am able to recover the excel since i have back up previous versions). When the file is corrupted it seems that my code doesn’t run and it seems that there is loss of data. I know that the other people can not access my code and i am wondering why i have this problem. Could it happen because someone breaks the data validation? I try to find a way to secure my file but I don’t know what caused this corruption. Any suggestion?
    Thanks for your help.”

Consultancy QcFinance India

Uploaded by Shivgan on WizIQ Tutorials

  • Customized Topics in Excel/VBA  – Xlstat, executing different formulae, F distribution, Probability, Correlation, Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis, segmentation models.
  • Customized topics in MATLABPearson’s correlation analysis between various stocks, portfolios, markets, How to upload data from data sets, how to use bonds with MATLAB, pairs trading.
  • Implementation of financial models, like Black Scholes, Monte Carlo Simulations, Kalman Filter and pricing other derivatives. Financial Toolbox –
  • Handling large data sets, writing scripts to clean data, run correlations, multiple regression.
  • Handling live streaming data, event driven programming-
  • GUI development.
  • Curve Fitting and Optimization –
  • Exponential smoothing distribution,  hypothesis testing, normal distribution and other continuous distributions as well as t-test for difference between two means with unequal variances.
  • Commodity markets, Derivatives, Commodity exchanges, Pricing of futures, Basic principles related to trading, Fundamental approach to price analysis of commodities, Technical approach to price analysis of commodities, Trading strategies, Functioning and regulation of exchanges, Process flow of a transaction on the exchange, Underlying markets in commodities.
  • Xlstat, executing different formulae, F distribution, Probability, Correlation, Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis, segmentation models.
  • Hypothesis Testing (z-test, t-test) using Excel, Understanding the Linear Programming tool using Excel (dealing with real life business problems), Selecting the appropriate law of probability to solve business problem, ANOVA, Two way ANOVA, and One way boa.

Data feed toolbox – is this the one that connects to sql?
Live data – interactive brokerages
Data feed toolbox
Help – MATLAB connects brokerage – live data
Ticky by tick data – change in data then the function is called –
How to mainpulate the data –
Perform the statistical analysis from the data set –
calling yahoo data and cleaning it – running regression
equities – performing analysis on stocks
Trading and data feed toolbox
Trading ToolBx and DataFeed Toolbox
Yahoo data
Writing scripts – .m file – functions – inline functions –
ARIMA sim of data of S&P from Yahoo – Data feed toolbox –
Equity – pair trading –

Portfolio Optimization and creation of efficient frontier with the sharp ratio; getting the portfolios on the efficient frontier for a particular standard deviation.
Run VaR for a portfolio of securities, generate the histogram and develop a stress testing framework.
Quant equity pair trading strategy using co-integration(use the adf test as well as the Johansen test) for a portfolio of 2 or more equity securities with backtesting engine
These are only some of the customized requests which fulfilled. We get  these requests regularly.
We also provide latex  / IEEE ACM Conversion / Zotero reference building publishing support.


Quant Finance Interviews Preparation

One-on-One Course for FRM Part II Exam

One on One Course on Reasoning for Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT)

One to One VBA for Financial Engineering and Modeling

One to One Bloomberg Assessment Test/Bloomberg Aptitude Test(BAT) Prep

One to One MATLAB Coaching for Financial Engineers & Analysts


Learn VBA for Financial Engineering and Modeling

Bloomberg Assessment Test / Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT) Exam Prep

MATLAB for Financial Engineering and Modeling


For any customized requests or queries please Contact Us:


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