SAS Base Certification (on University Edition)

SAS Base certification Prep on University Edition
Classes Online – Student is required to do all coding at his system to get the requisite traction.

Assistance in software setup

The course is taken on the University edition. Also the course starts with VM setup on XP and SAS Unix. We also help you undersstand two version of SAS- base and University. Some features are not available in University which is covered on SAS base (in XP version).

About the Course

A SAS Base programmer should have current SAS programming experience including the ability to import and export raw data files, manipulate and transform data, combine SAS data sets, create basic detail and summary reports using SAS procedures, and identify and correct data syntax and programming logic errors. Candidates should also be familiar with the enhancements and new functionality that are available in SAS.

Content of the Classes

Accessing Data

Use FORMATTED, LIST and COLUMN input to read raw data files
Use INFILE statement options to control processing when reading raw data files
Use various components of an INPUT statement to process raw data files including column and line pointer controls, and trailing @ controls
Combine SAS data sets using the DATA step

Creating Data Structures

Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets
Create and manipulate SAS date values
Use DATA Step statements to export data to standard and comma delimited raw data files
Control which observations and variables in a SAS data set are processed and output

The examples used are from the book, also the official dataset is used so that you revise the content. The student is expected to buy the SAS official book to get access to the content (like datasets – mentioned in the books).

Managing Data

Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures
Sort observations in a SAS data set
Conditionally execute SAS statements
Use assignment statements in the DATA step
Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step
Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements
Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values
Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa
Process data using DO LOOPS
Process data using SAS arrays

Generating Reports

Generate list reports using the PRINT and REPORT procedures
Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures
Enhance reports through the use of labels, SAS formats, user-defined formats, titles, footnotes and SAS System reporting options
Generate HTML reports using ODS statements

Handling Errors

Identify and resolve programming logic errors
Recognize and correct syntax errors
Examine and resolve data errors

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