Quantitative Support


Traders, market makers, fund managers and dealers follow the market and take directional bets, based on an underlying strategy. These professionals might not have the time or resources in-house to validate this strategy in various business cycles and stressed market conditions, and thereby lose the opportunity of evaluating the strategy and making improvements. Our dedicated quant team passes every strategy through complex mathematical rigor and presents quality attribution analysis to clients with quick turnaround times.

Performance of these strategies in various market conditions, their optimality and appropriateness in current markets, their cost/benefit analysis and attribution to market factors needs to be quantified to segregate the best from the rest.

Our company qcfinance.in, Indore specializes in developing advanced modeling, simulation, data analysis and visualization software for clients. Using the MATLAB, R, Python suite of numerical analysis software from The MathWorks, together with other technologies such as C++ and VBA, allows us to solve a wide range of design and implementation problems for our clients including risk analysis in active and passive strategies and also risks involved.

Leveraging expert knowledge in areas such as computational finance, we have immense experience in delivering customer specific requirements from clients across the nations.

Get support in Research Writing, Software Development & Back testing for Risk or Quant based methods.

Beside this, we also provide training for CFA, FRM, CQF, BAT, other Finance Exams. We also provide consultancy on MATALB, R, VBA, SQL, Python, MongoDB, SAS.

Contact Us At: info@learnprogrammingnyc.com

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